
Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Week 1 Day 2

I started off the day by waking with a mild migraine at 3 am.  Boo.  But I took some meds and went back to sleep.  But it was still there when I woke up for the day.  I took some of my prescription meds and it was gone by 10 am.  I'm torn between what caused this one - the red wine I had last night or the change in weather.  Both are triggers, so who knows what caused this one.  I know it wasn't grains! :-)

One thing I learned yesterday is that I need to have an abundance of Primal food available for me to choose from when I get hungry.  I brought a bunch of stuff to school that I can eat if I need it!  Also, every day I bring to school a large jug (72 oz) of water with a couple of tablespoons of unsweetened cranberry juice.  I usually don't have a problem drinking enough water because I know that when I finish the jug that I've had enough.  ,  

Then I almost forgot my coffee before I left for school!  But, I remembered right before I left!  Whew! 

Breakfast was coffee, a banana and the same frittata as yesterday, but I squeezed some lime juice on eggs before I heated it up. (Lime juice on eggs - doesn't sound good does it?!?!?) That seemed to help the heavy spices that are in there.  I have 4 more pieces to go after today, so I'll keep squeezing the juice until I can make it again with different spices!

I was NOT hungry until 11:45 when it was time for lunch.  In the past, I've been starving at 10:30 and have eaten a mid-morning snack!  I'm pleased that I'm staying full longer - at least for today!

Lunch was the last of the leftover flank steak and a spinach salad with red wine vinegar and olive oil dressing.  I was pretty full after that, but I still didn't feel satisfied, so I ate 4 grain free pigs in a blanket and a square of dark chocolate.  Now, I'm full but not stuffed.  :-)

I was so full after lunch that I didn't have a snack like I usually do!  I hope that means that my body is getting used to eating less and my meals lasting longer!  :-)  I have been so hungry lately that I've been eating every 2-3 hours.  Ugh!  Hopefully this is changing!

Dinner was semi-Paleo . . . again using up what we have in the fridge/freezer!  I made black bean/corn/chicken quesadillas with homemade guacamole/chips and brussels sprouts with bacon.  These are some of my favorite things!

I'll create a page of recipes and post these recipes on there.  I used a sprouted corn tortilla for the quesadillas so that made them "better" than just a plain flour tortilla.  They were a little tougher to eat than a soft wheat tortilla, but suprisingly good!  Usually I can down 1.5-2 of these things easily.  But tonight I ate just 1 and filled up with my brussels sprouts and guac!  I was really full after dinner, but that lasted me through the night.  I didn't feel like I needed any dessert or a something small to last me through the night!  Yay!  Again, I'm hoping that my appetite is decreasing!

I spent a couple hours in the kitchen.  In addition to dinner, I made roasted carrots and zucchini with some Italian spices and beet chips.  Two things I learned - zucchini cooks a lot faster than carrots and beet chips can burn easily!  The carrots and zucchini taste good even if the zuchhini is a little mushier than I like!  The jury is still out on the beet chips!  Allie certainly didn't like them!  She spit it out and gave the rest of her chip to the dog!!

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